Donate by Direct Deposit
Direct deposit donations avoid bank and card fees to deliver more funds to the program.
To set up a direct deposit via your mobile phone:
- Open your banking app
- Select the account you want to pay from
- Select Pay and then add new payee
- Use this PayID: (instead of entering a BSB and account number)
- Enter Amount
- Under description enter the name of a participant you’re supporting or ‘general donation’
- Select Pay now
Alternatively, you can set up a direct deposit with help over the phone or in person at your bank. If you need our BSB and Account Number please call us on 02 9560 5333.
Donate by Credit Card
Make a ONE-OFF donation
Become a MONTHLY donor
Becoming a monthly donor demonstrates your continued support of poverty reduction and allows Palms Australia to effectively plan future assignments, as well as cover the costs of keeping participants in the field. If you are unable to commit to a monthly donation, one-off donations are also gratefully accepted.
Donate by Post
Please post your cheque or money order to our NEW POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 521 Leichhardt NSW 2040
Donate by Phone
Alternatively, you can call us on +61 (02) 9560 5333 to make a donation over the phone.
All donations over $2 to Palms Australia are 100% tax-deductible.