Palms Australia seeks corporate partnerships to support developing communities across Africa, Asia and the Pacific.

By becoming a corporate partner, you will enable the time, expertise, and confidence that empowers a community to take control of their own development.

Our corporate partners fund an Australian professional who will build local capacity on a long-term placement in a remote, developing community.  Your support is about more than money. It demonstrates to a remote community that there are organisations who trust them to be independent instigators of their own future. You won’t even need to leave the office.

No other form of aid is as sustainable or cost effective

Whether you choose to support work in a field most relevant to your business (education, health, trades, and more), a location that excites your team, or a professional from your own community, your contribution will support a cause important to you. Alternatively, you can let the team at Palms select a project that is most in need of your support. The Palms’ program participant will give two years of their time and over $140,000 in value to the community they’re working in.

Palms Australia will provide you with:

  • Exclusive updates from the field to share with your team;
  • Corporate training opportunities on the topic of cross cultural communication;
  • A post-assignment meeting or event with the returned participant to share insights on working in remote communities and business opportunities in the country of their placement;
  • Brand acknowledgement on the project information page on;
  • An article for your internal or public publication showcasing your support for Palms projects abroad.

We can also facilitate new, innovative ways to engage your team in your Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. Participant updates from the field provide a fascinating insight into another culture and provide learnings on how we can best work together to address poverty.

Some additional benefits of forming a corporate partnership include:

  • Co-branding opportunities in marketing materials and public events;
  • Making your team aware of ways they can share their skills abroad;
  • Supporting the development of enterprise, resilience, capacity and self-reliance in developing communities.

Other ways to partner with Palms Australia

Palms genuinely does see our corporate partners as partners, not ATMs. We want to see our partners succeed as communities in need succeed. We see our partners becoming ethical, sustainable businesses in developing economies, helping end the poverty cycle in Asia, Africa and the Pacific. There many ways your organisation can support our work, without committing to supporting a participant:

  • Enhance your team’s cross-cultural effectiveness and racial diversity with one of our professional training packages.
  • Book a Palms representative to speak at your next event about mentoring and development.
  • Strengthen your team with a trip to visit our projects in Timor-Leste, Samoa, Myanmar or Kiribati through Palms Encounters.

To find out more about becoming a Palms Australia Corporate Partner, contact or 02 9560 5333.