Are you an inquisitive person keen to explore questions of culture and community? Join us for ‘Disruptive Discourse’.

Here at Palms we enjoy questioning the status quo. We revel in rethinking routine. We want to get our communities thinking about culture and international development. For this reason, we have launched ‘Disruptive Discourse’. These events are Q&A’s, panel discussions, and public discussions. Every event asks a new question and some feature special guests. Bring a friend for a fantastic, thought-provoking event that gets everybody talking.

Disruptive Discourse events for 2018 are being prepared right this very moment! Keep an eye on this page for updates.

You will have the opportunity to ask us your questions about working abroad and about Palms’ development philosophy.

Palms hosts discussions across Australia and they are a great way to meet the team, returned participants, and people like you who are thinking about participating in Palms’ development program. If you would like us to bring a ‘Disruptive Discourse’ to your town, email