Featured image: Flaviana, Sr Mary Gladys and Dianne
By Dianne Hanna
Dianne Hanna is a qualified finance and business mentor working with Holy Cross Parish in Maliana, Timor Leste to develop the financial literacy and accounting skills of local staff and to develop a strategy for the training of new staff in these administrative processes. Dianne was repatriated due to COVID-19 earlier this year and eagerly waits to return when safe to do so.
It is common when conversing with volunteers to get a sense of the sacrifices these people make and to place them on a pedestal with angel status. Though in my experience, volunteering has not been about the sacrifices as it has been a freeing experience emancipating me from the yoke of slavery too many of us feel tied to.
For me I admire those who sacrifice for their families so as to create better futures and opportunities for them. Though as an accountant I feel it is always important to question whether the cost of the sacrifices support the proposed benefits to be achieved. In my volunteering, in handing over the gifts God has given to follow His call, I can say I have gained more than I have given which for an accountant means I have profited.
On this international volunteer day I challenge all of you to take time for you, to sit with God and to listen to where you are being called. Five years ago I was blessed to hear a response which I am grateful for each day.
You can support the skill development at Holy Cross Parish in Maliana by giving a recurring or one-off donation to the project here.