By Roger O’Halloran
Palms Australia continues to monitor and assess the developing situation of COVID-19 and the impacts on our organisation, personnel and partners. We ask you to stand with us in solidarity and support us as we navigate through the challenges of this unprecedented situation.
Palms has supported the early return to Australia of our program participants who have decided that there was a reasonable risk to their health and safety if they stayed in the field. It has been a difficult time for them and will remain so as a good deal of uncertainty will exist about when they can return to their overseas friends and assignments. Help with the transition on both a personal and financial level is being sought from their Australian communities and Palms supporters.
In these challenging times, it is imperative that we continue to stand in solidarity with our partner organisations and communities, who are more vulnerable to the health and global economic effects of COVID-19. We continue to support them to build their capacity to weather these storms with returned personnel continuing their work remotely where possible.
We have equipped our staff with technology, including remote meeting solutions, so they can continue working. This helps encourage social distancing and maintains our social responsibility to others within our community.
Despite the interruption of COVID-19, we are planning to continue our vital mission of building resilience in our partner organisations and communities. Those who wish to share their skills and experience with communities abroad should fill out an enquiry form now to begin their preparation for a placement in 2021.
To keep our personnel safe and support our communities during this pandemic please donate here.
With peace,
Roger O’Halloran
Executive Director