With Maryanne Nolan
Ahisaun is a non-government organisation working with young Timorese people with disability to develop their potential. In August, Maryanne began her placement as administration manager to business operations and to support the teaching staff in delivering English language courses.
Spotlight 1 – Ermeniana Alves
Ermeniana Alves came to Ahisaun from Seoebada in Manatuto in 2016. In her village education was limited to primary school. Since coming to Ahisaun she has completed her high school education and has commenced studies at university to become a maths teacher. Her studies have enabled her to teach one day a week at a secondary school in Meninatro. At the centre she participates in English classes, cleaning activities and is on a roster to prepare meals one week in three. Ermeniana has studied Radio presenting and also hopes to convey strength and opportunities to disabled people through the FM network in Dili.
Spotlight 2 – Dircia Abda do Santos
Dircia Abda dos Santos is from the Ermera district. In 2017, whilst at university studying business she had a fall down some stairs causing severe back and hip displacement and know uses a frame to walk. She is scheduled for an operation to alleviate the pain but not correct the injury in February 2020. At the centre Dircia assists the other residents in constructing documents and administration. Her long term goal is to find paid work that is understanding of her condition in administration.
Spotlight 3 – Aurelia Arauju Amaral
Aurelia Arauju Amaral is the longest female resident at the centre arriving in 2011 from Ermera. Her role is to coordinate the girls, supervise internal activities, and operate the small shop at the front of the centre. Aurelia has a degenerative condition which affects her movement and ability to eat. She enjoys her role at Ahisaun and it is her long term home.
To support the Administration and English Teacher Mentor in Timor Leste donate today and help us fund 18 further months of professional development training for the staff of Ahisaun.