I Need Your Assistance with an Introduction

Recent readers of Palms Post or website should have come across at least some of the following:

“Since 1961 Palms has met the requests of developing communities seeking to become self-sufficient and resilient by mobilising over 1450 experienced and qualified Australians. Most volunteered for two-year placements to assist develop the economic and technical skills integral to building capacity, enterprise and self-reliance. To date Palms Australia has provided over $200,000,000 in value.”

Further evaluation of our 50 years of recruiting, preparing and supporting those who volunteer shows that Palms Australia has:

  • provided 120,000 days primary health services mentoring local nurses and administrators
  • educated 65,000 students and 1600 teachers
  • mentored 2000+ local people in trades and agriculture
  • trained over 700 staff in administration of local projects and services

It’s not good enough to rest on past performance.

Outstanding as these results are they are not enough. Our sustained success across five decades has been a catalyst for increasing requests by communities seeking to reduce poverty. They identify the value of Palms’ approach to preparing Australians who will assist appropriately in their development.

March’s Director’s Report explained the focus for Palms this year is to bring this work to the awareness of more Australian individuals and organisations that can assist to build on this success. In particular I would like to meet with business owners, or corporate leaders, willing to discuss a partnership with Palms. Writing to businesses without an introduction is not the best way to get a meeting so I need the help of all Palms current supporters: I need your help.

There’s much more to it than asking for money.

I am not talking about crudely asking your friends for money. Palms desire is for this to be a mutual relationship and it may just as easily involve two-way in-kind assistance. What it can mean is:

  1. More communities will have an opportunity to sustainably reduce poverty through skill exchange,
  2. A business will build trust in their brand through a philanthropic profile in Australia and overseas,
  3. Palms-facilitated development programs for business personnel will build their capacity and motivation to foster successful cross-cultural business relationships.

A connection that begins with a simple meeting might be developed through Palms’ Encounter journey to Timor-Leste. As soon as September 24th, business leaders, or personnel they select, can experience first-hand our international development work and impact. Or you might accompany your business friends to Palms’ Fundraising Dinner on October 31st (see page 6).

Please do think about who you know that could meet me to discuss such possibilities. Now think again. Meeting the request of a community seeking to reduce poverty may depend on your introduction.

After thinking and rethinking please thrill me with a call to chat about even the most improbable prospects. Alternatively send me a note via roger@palms.org.au with your number and I will call you. Be assured that your assistance will be managed sensitively and I will only proceed where you are entirely comfortable with the process.