Keep in touch with Palms Australia’s news, stories and other updates is now easier than ever. In a recent Palms Post article, we wrote about our facebook and twitter presences as well as a few ways to follow us via our own sites. After a little testing, we now have a google plus page, for those who prefer this tool.
Palms’ mission is all about sharing:
- sharing skills “to build the capacity of individuals and strengthen institutions”,
- sharing experiences “to advance mutually enriching and challenging relationships of understanding, acceptance and care, to the point of sharing worlds of meaning in the deepest sense, with people of a culture different from one’s own”,
- sharing stories to increases “awareness and enthusiasm to encourage just, sustainable, interdependent and peaceful development.”
By following us on one or more of these services you’ll have access to news from our volunteers in the field, updates about our cross-cultural training courses, short-term Palms Encounters to East Timor and other events as they arise, Palms Post online, announcements about Fairtrade coffee sales including exclusive offers, and – beginning here – blog articles focussing on issues of culture, development, justice and peace, with a distinctly “Palms flavour” about them.
More than ever, we understand that the world is an interdependent place. The effects of the lifestyle choices in one place are evident in others. Still though, there are many who seem to receive one side of a story, and unfortunately it is often a divisive position which discriminates, disempowers and disenfranchises.
We hope our online sharing will be one more step towards building a more just, sustainable, interdependent and peaceful world.
And we hope you will join us here, and via our social tools, to share stories and ideas with your networks.