Carlita is one of the main health workers at Atabae, working with Palms volunteer Margaret Hall. She had just one month of English training before writing this short story of her life. Here is the story just as Carlita wrote it.
Hai…I’m married. My complete name is Carlita Da Cruz Martins. I was born at Atabae on 20th of September in 1984 now I’m 24 years old. My hobbies are watching the TV and listening to the music.
I have a big Family. Five (5) brother and two sister. My Father is a good man. Since the Indonesian Government he is Army. But now my Father is a Farmer and my Mother is a good Lady. Specially for her all children. She is a house wife. My parents always gave their support to have a good education for all their children.
I started at school in 1992 at elementary school and finished it in 1998. I have to continue to junior high school for one year and stopped it because of the situation of my Country is very bad. So, we must be refugee to West Timor (Atambua) for several months. So I didn’t want to continue my Story in Atambua until I went back to my Country.
I finished my junior high school in 2002 and continue my junior high school in Dili for 3 years. I graduated from one of school 1st de Dezembro Comoro Dili and I didn’t to continue to the University so I was looking for a course and I did. I have course at Comoro near in the market Comero Dili during one month and I have certificate basic from English Course and I didn’t to continue my English Course because situation of my Country is bad on 28 April 2007. So I back to my Vilages in Atabae to help my Parents.
Since Mother Margaret and Father David here in atabae I hear about the job and work is a part of health. So I doubt it to apply to Voluntary so I start to work Voluntary in our team. Slowly but it’s still difficult to me I very hard to work, to learn, to study from Mother Margareth and another people, at another place like Bairo Pite Clinic. So now I have confidence to work and I enjoy it, but I must be have more study.
Since the Australian Organisation like PALMS/FPET, Connect East Timor who gave they support to us and we worked with them we are very gratfull to them.
They are suport is very kind like supporting to Maria Regina and her Family and especially to Loreto Colege’s who gave to help for the babies who need help by now.
I’m very happy work with them and thank you very much to PALMS/FPET Australia, Connect East Timor and Loreto Coleges.
We alway’s pray for you all the time.