Greetings from Palms Australia and a warm invitation to you all to join us at our Solidarity Awards Dinner on Saturday 27 July in Sydney. This will be our first major event since 2018. This Palms Post features Timor Leste, with two accounts from the field and a final boarding call for our Encounter Tour 30 September to 11 September (that’s right : coinciding with the Papal Visit!) I look forward to seeing you at one or both !
Renewed Mission & EOFY Appeal
Building on strengths
In the wake of the Palms Triennial Strategic Review, the Board has confirmed a renewal of our mission to : Answering the call for sustainable development of diverse communities, by facilitating the mutual exchange of knowledge, skills and experience, in order to relieve poverty and suffering and reduce inequity. This mutual exchange has, to date, principally occurred in the course of Global Mission. The Board has decided to investigate opportunities to extend this exchange domestically, by expanding our training base. This will build on the decades of experience we have had preparing participants for Global Mission. It will, however require significant initial investment in order to scope possibilities and establish infrastructure to extend our reach.
If you have benefitted from Palms training and preparation in the past, you will appreciate that this is something worth taking to others. We are asking now for your support to help us refine and expand our offering over the next year, with a view to finding new ways to share the Palms perspective with the general community, while building a stronger foundation for the long term future of the organisation.
Director’s Reflection
Time to re-commit to community – it’s not easy
We are living in a world inundated with evidence of the maleficent impact of insecurities and unresolved trauma. At a personal level, Australians are being confronted with the deadly reality of how this plays out in domestic violence relationships… Read more here.
Frontline Inspiration
The Cycle of Mentorship
Anjelica Rankin, Palms participant in Balibo Timor Leste, reflects on what helps her to grow as a mentor. Read here.
Gavin Purcell, putting faith into action in Timor Leste
Read more of Gavin’s story as told by Fiona Basile – Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne. Read here.
Timor Leste Encounter Tour – 30 August to 11 September 2024
Change of date to coincide with Pope Francis’ visit
Join our small group Encounter tour to Timor-Leste from August 30 to September 11, 2024. You will engage directly with the people and projects that are making a positive difference within their communities as well as a unique opportunity to experience the profound impact of the Pope’s visit and message first-hand.
Find out more or register here
2024 Solidarity Awards & Dinner
With Guest Speaker Emelda Davis
You are warmly invited to Palms 2024 Solidarity Awards Night on Saturday 27th July where we recognise the individuals and organisations that share Palms’ vision of a just, sustainable, interdependent and peaceful world free of poverty. THIS YEAR we are excited to be gathering for a special dinner and to hear from Guest Speaker Chairwoman (Waskam) Emelda Davis, of the Australian South Sea Islanders, as she shares the history and present situation of the South Sea Islander communities. Flyer here.
Spotlight on Opportunities
See many other requests here or contact Palms about any currently being drafted, (02 9560 5333 or This short placement video and these personal testimonies will inspire you to REACH BEYOND.
Support Base
Renew or become a member
Help us achieve our renewed mission by renewing your membership or becoming a new member today.
Volunteer Opportunities
International Ethical Tours Coordinator
This role will assist with the planning and organisation of our ethical tour operations on a part-time basis. Hours are flexible, between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Email your EOI here.
Other News
A journey worth reflecting on – growing up in PNG
Devpolicy Blog by Aquila Warai. Read here…
Anticipatory Mapping for Climate Resilience in Timor Leste
Relief Web. Read here…