Written by Sr Sally Duigan OLSH | Director – Holy Family Care Centre

Many people who see Carmel in the main office think of her mentoring staff behind a computer, as they try to find a way through the labyrinth of governmental requirements, so that our organisation can pay its way and function effectively to care for our children here.
[Carmel and Lydia]
What is less noticed is her outreach work, where she reaches out to pregnant teenagers, tactfully advises families in conflict, engages social workers wherever possible, and tries to protect children who have no choice but to live in situations where they are often cold, hungry and at risk. There are so many challenges and crises in this beautiful but often violent and damaged society.

We laugh together about ‘making a difference’, because we are aware that we can do so little at times, but nonetheless that little is important, and that is what Carmel is best at: somehow finding a way to the heart of these needful moments, and reaching out with both hands to do something to make a good difference.
Read more about Holy Family Care Centre and Carmel’s placement here.