Featured image: Teachers are transported to the villages in the back of the truck. This is a typical form of transport in this region of Thailand.
By Liz O’Sullivan
In late January 2020 Liz O’Sullivan began her mentoring role to assist local Thai and Karen teachers at Banklothor and Umphang Public Schools in developing English basic proficiency, global citizenship awareness through teaching, and specific outdoor activities. Liz has chosen to stay in northern Thailand throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.
Schools in Thailand have just opened again after a month long lockdown. Throughout January teachers have been organising remote learning. For some students this provided many challenges due to limited or no access to wifi, computer technology or phones. Many parents in remote regions cannot speak Thai since it is not their first language, so it is very difficult for them to help with schoolwork.
Teachers from Klothor School knew these challenges affected many of their students. Access to education during lockdown was very difficult for many of these families. So the teachers brought school to them. Heeding covid restrictions teachers went out in small groups to outlying villages to help those students who needed it most. What a dedicated bunch of educators!
You can support the education of students at Banklother Public School by giving a recurring or one-off donation to the project here.