Social distancing at Holy Family Care Centre, South Africa

Social distancing at Holy Family Care Centre, South Africa

with Sr Sally

Holy Family Care Centre in Limpopo, South Africa, provides support for disadvantaged and sick children in the Limpopo province. The centre includes residential facilities and treatment for orphaned babies and children, including those undergoing treatment for HIV/AIDS and TB.

Sr Sally is the Director of Holy Family Care Centre, where Palms participants Marysia Keyes and Paula Evans have chosen to remain at present.

I know that Marysia and Paula have gone through a difficult time of deciding whether to stay or to go.  Each day brings its own challenges. The two women are a great help these days.

We are doing our best in difficult circumstances – but everyone is trying to remain upbeat.

Below are some photos of the children and carers trying their best at social distancing…a hard task.

Your support of the staff and children at Holy Family Care Centre is much needed at this time. Please make a donation to Paula’s project providing  food handling and stock control training and Marysia providing residential care training.