Palms Post: Now an Online Post

Palms Post: Now an Online Post

This Palms Post provides much evidence of renewal. At this time we have three staff Sarah, Lili and Sean engaged in the joy of bringing new life into their families and our broader Palms’ family. We see stories of new volunteers being prepared at our Orientation Course and new stories from the field. And of course Brendan is moving on to renew and be renewed.

Palms Post itself is taking on a new form. While it will still be available in printed form, it has made the transition to being an online post. This allows us to provide you with three articles per month, which means more up to date stories and information.

Most respondents to the survey in the last edition indicated that they would be pleased to save us costs by switching to the online version of Palms Post. It is of course a more cost-effective way of sharing the very positive opportunities Palms provides to achieve a just, sustainable, interdependent and peaceful world free of poverty.

We will still produce three printed editions each year. They will be available in February, June and October (Annual Report edition). Complimentary copies will be made available to Palms partners and volunteers in the field, as well as current donors of $50 or more, who indicate a preference for the printed version.

The changes allow more funds to be used in recruiting, preparing, sending and supporting the volunteers being requested by communities seeking to reduce poverty.

SO, if you did not return the form enclosed in the last Palms Post please find it here again, indicate your preferred way to receive Palms Post, and return it to us at the address supplied on the bottom of the form.