Kiribati (pronounced Kiri-bas) is part of Micronesia and consists of the Gilbert, Phoenix and Line Islands. Whilst one of the world’s smallest countries in land mass, its atoll islands stretch across a vast section of 3.5 million square km of the Pacific. Kiribati endured several bloody WWII battles and today faces the threat of climate change. As few atolls rise more than 6 m above sea level, Kiribati’s shorelines are gradually being eroded. With the majority of the population moving to the largest atoll, Tarawa, issues of overcrowding, water and sanitation are also threatening the country.
This year, for the first time, Palms will bring two Encounter groups to Kiribati. The Encounter will include cross cultural preparation, and an introduction to the Micronesian culture of Kiribati on the country’s largest and most populous atoll Tarawa. There participants will witness the effects of climate change and rising sea levels on this island nation. Following the visit to Tarawa, the Encounter group will travel by boat to visit one of Kiribati’s outer islands.
The group will also visit Palms Australia volunteers in placement and will meet their local counterparts. They will have the opportunity to learn about their work and will see the role Australians can play in reducing global poverty.
Palms will limit the number of spaces in each group to 7-9 participants, along with a member of Palms staff. Throughout your Encounter, guided activities will assist you to gain a deeper understanding of the new sights, smells, sounds, tastes, textures and experiences, and will perhaps challenge some of your own cultural ideas.
For more information about Palms’ Encounter to Kiribati please contact Sarah at, or on 02 9518 9551.