The Inaugural Palms Solidarity Awards and Fundraising Dinner connected people around an idea we all share: the all-inclusive value of Solidarity. The words of returnee Monica Morrison (right) and these great photographs from Terence Ho, who volunteered his professional services on the night, encapsulate the many expressions of appreciation we received.
“Please pass on my thanks to all members of the Palms team who made last night so wonderful. I am sure that everyone who was there would agree with me that it was a magical mix of gracious and interesting company, a spectacular venue and an emotional journey from the past into the future. At my table were two girls who had slept in “my bed” at Margie Beck’s in Bacau. This of course made me want to hop on the next plane heading for Dili.
Everyone was very interested to hear about the volunteer experience.”
“It was also good to see my friend from ACU again after so many years, and she said “We should get you to come and talk to our students.” The whole night emphasised just how much we are all connected over place and time, which led to a wonderful warm feeling of belonging.”
“Kind regards and congratulations to all,”
Enjoy our photos below, or visit our full photo album at facebook.